What you had looked alright, but it should've been much, much longer. The song kind of gave me cold chills, but it fitted the piece.
What you had looked alright, but it should've been much, much longer. The song kind of gave me cold chills, but it fitted the piece.
As I said in author comments this was supposed to be a lot longer but I just got really tired of animating it so I just submitted what I had completed.
The artwork was really pretty, good job on the tweening. Not too much of a Moby fan, but it suited the piece.
That was sekks!
Seriously, what you had there was really good and a hilarious idea, but you should've expanded on it and made it longer, that would've been awesome!
Swift3D + Flash = Sweet love.
Good plot, good visual effects, sound could've been a bit better, but you already explained the cause and I'm a forgiving kind of guy. Nice style too, with the black and white! Thanks for sharing that movie, definitely waiting for the sequel! :)
Thanks! Yea I hope the sound behaves itself in later episodes - I've never seen Flash act like that before!
Best sprite movie EVAR!
That was great, man, props to your sense of humour and all the sillyness involved. Only criticism I can bear is that the voice acting was sometimes a bit lacking, but for the rest, I'd have this flash's baby.
Egoraptor strikes again! Your voice acting, I'm in awe, man, a deep, deep awe...
That was beautiful, that must've taken you ages! Seems like another great series in the making, can't wait to see more.
I want those two minutes of my life back...
A tweened image of a poorly drawn stick figure? At first I was actually expecting some scary picture to pop up just before the stick hit the spike, I gave you a 1 for not doing that. Seriously, though, tweened stick figures taking two minutes to hit a spike with tweened blood popping up out of nowhere are not really worth watching. Think of something better and actually animate.
That made me smile
Perhaps not so much on effort, but n00bnation flashes always have this sort of attraction to them. This collab was no different, I liked the style, the menu was well done and the sound fit with the flash. Especially mugnus' part was a pleasure to the eye. 3 out of 5, n00bnation is probably my favourite crew, as in, keep them coming :)
Alright, hope you don't change your mind ;)
Not much chance for survival, if the Neon Bible is true.
Age 37, Male
ISH, Hilversum
Joined on 2/11/07